Survey of Professional Contemporary Singers

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What is life like for contemporary professional singers in Australia?

Reimagining career development in the Australian performing arts industry through the creation of a performing arts coaching strategy for professional contemporary singers.

You are invited to take part in a research project about the experiences of professional contemporary singers in Australia. In particular, the study aims to understand what skills are required for success as a professional contemporary singer, and what particular challenges exist for professional contemporary singers in the Australian music industry. The study is being conducted by Lauren Moxey and will contribute to the Doctor of Philosophy (Creative Arts) at James Cook University.

The music industry has been severely impacted by the current coronavirus pandemic, and the results of this survey will be used to develop initiatives that will assist contemporary professional singers in rebuilding and furthering their careers. If you are struggling with the impacts of the pandemic, you can access wellbeing support via The Arts Wellbeing Collective.

If you agree to be involved in the study, you will be asked to complete an anonymous, online survey regarding your experiences as a professional contemporary singer. The survey should take approximately 25 minutes. Taking part in this study is completely voluntary and you can stop taking part at any time without explanation or prejudice. If you choose to withdraw after survey completion, your data cannot be removed from the study as it is unidentifiable due to the anonymous nature of the survey.

Your responses will be strictly anonymous. The data from the study will be used in research publications and reports including journal articles and a thesis. You will not be identified in any way in these publications.

If you have any questions about the study, please contact Lauren Moxey or Prof Ryan Daniel.

If you know of other singers who might be interested in this study, it would be most appreciated if you could direct them to this page.

Principal Investigator:
Lauren Moxey
College of Arts, Society and Education
James Cook University
Phone: 07 4781 4612

Professor Ryan Daniel
College of Arts, Society and Education
James Cook University
Phone: 07 4781 4612

If you'd like to stay up to date with this project, or be notified when the coaching program is open for applications, you can supply your contact details at the conclusion of the survey.

For the purposes of this survey, a "professional contemporary singer" is a singer who works primarily in the genres of contemporary popular music and/or musical theatre, and who earns income as one or more of the following:
- performer (singing originals, covers, backing vocals and/or musical theatre)
- recording artist or session singer
- singing teacher

A professional contemporary singer may or may not earn a full-time income as a singer, and may or may not engage in other work. The actual amount earned from singing is irrelevant to this survey.

This study has been approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee at JCU. If you have any concerns regarding the ethical conduct of the study, please contact:

Human Ethics, Research Office
James Cook University, Townsville, Qld, 4811
Phone: (07) 4781 5011